Following on from yesterday's post I'll be talking about Characters, Terrain, Army Selection and Battle Prep today. Please note I've skipped over the Super-Heavy Vehicles and Gargantuan Creatures rules here since they're effectively new to the book so warrant their own post.
Unless I'm missing something I can't see anywhere that says Characters (or indeed Independent Characters) benefit from Precision Shots or Strikes (p.100). Granted most of us forgot to ever use this rule but still, that's quite a big change all things considered. One less thing to remember I suppose.

Battlefield Terrain
The rules for terrain are still slightly ambiguous (p.108). For example, if a unit is "in" a ruin they get a 4+ save even if they aren't 25% obscured. Problem is that "in" is defined as a model standing on the scenery. How does that work with ruins without bases when you shoot from the back? Personally I'll play it that if the scenery is based they get 4+ and if not they just get 5+ but that's essentially a house rule. Otherwise area terrain is kind of gone. I say kind of because forests, craters (which are back to being 6+), etc are now called "difficult terrain" and being "behind" it gives a 5+ save. Some of these terrain pieces give a save if you're "in" them too. Confused yet? I can see why they've tried to clarify but they appear to have failed unless I'm being thick! What is clear is that whilst moving through Difficult Terrain is the same, charging is just reduced by 2" (as I mentioned yesterday).
Some of the Citadel scenery kits now have special rules associated with them e.g Manufactorum allows Gets Hot! armour save re-rolls. What I can't quite work out though is what to do about fortifications. The rulebook itself seems to think it contains rules for them: "Each fortification has a fortification datasheet that describes how it is used in the game" (p.130) and "if a Citadel scenery model can be taken as part of an army, then a points value for the model will be listed here (p.183). Sadly, though bastions, landing pads, aegis lines (i.e. things you can take as fortifications) aren't actually listed and none of the scenery pieces that are have points values. Seems to me that you'll need to use Stronghold Assault if you want to use any fortifications in your armies. I thought the new book was going to be a one stop shop but apparently not.
Finally, and perhaps most worryingly, buildings now appear to be scoring provided they've been claimed by either side. That means if you place an objective next to a derelict bastion and deploy a unit in it you can hop out and leave it there controlling your objective for you! Not so bad until you think about some of the massive fortifications being scoring!
Choosing Your Army
First it's worth noting the new nomenclature used by GW. Perhaps unnecessarily they've started to name things as particular Factions, e.g. Space Wolves Faction, as a means for referring to units from a particular codex. Pretty sure everyone could've figured this out without the wording change and most people use the term Race/Army/Codex instead. In general this section is pretty confusing. Unbound is straightforward, take what you like from where you like in whatever quantity you like. I'll be amazed if any tournaments permit this except for deliberate Unbound ones but it's nice that GW spell it out that in your own games you can actually do what you want!
Otherwise things are pretty similar in terms of selecting a force. The difference is that double FOC above 2,000pts has been done away with and you can effectively use it at whatever points level you like. An army that includes 3 HQs and 6 Troops could happily take 9 Heavy Support choices (assuming 3 detachments). Once again I can see tournaments limiting the number of detachments you can use to minimise nonsense.
What I can't quite work out is how many detachments you can legally have. There doesn't seem to be a limit on the number of allied detachments you can take. I think the intention is just one but I can't see where it's spelled out (please enlighten me if you can). In fact it seems that GW doesn't mind how many you take (p.126 paragraph two).
The types of allies have obviously changed quite significantly with notable examples being Tyranids being able to ally with themselves, Tau and Eldar being Convenience not Brothers. Basically all Imperial Armies are Battle Brothers (ignoring fluff such as Wolves vs Dark Angels) and everyone else is pretty lucky if they even have an ally of convenience. This isn't a big deal to me as I try to avoid allies in my armies but I can see some being pretty pissed off that they can't buff riptides with farseers. No more teleporting Farsight bomb either. Incidentally I'm going to look at all of the deathstars from 6th edition and see how they've been affected in another post.
The way allies treat each other has changed a little too with Battle Bros. now able to use transports for example. Interestingly Come The Apocalypse no longer requires the Apocalypse to come provided you can deploy them 12" apart.
Preparing for Battle
The huge shame about this section isn't in this section at all. The old book had a convenient summary of all the pre-game stuff and what order it occurred in. That no longer exists so you've got to root through the pages in this section to figure it out for yourself. One interesting change here is that I can't see any restriction on how many units you can place into reserve. I can hear Deathwing players rejoicing already (don't rejoice just yet though, perhaps I've missed it).
There's been significant changes to Scoring units with pretty much everything being scoring now. Interestingly, since dedicated transports take the "battlefield role" of their unit they can become Troops which I'm assuming means they get Objective Secured. This is a huge shift back in the other direction from 6th where vehicles couldn't even contest. Expect to see mech return what with the changes to how vehicles are damaged too. On the subject of scoring Big Guns Never Tire and The Scouring no longer make Heavy/Fast into scoring units (since they already are) and nor do they gain Objective Secured. In fact taking them in these missions is a disadvantage as losing them costs VPs. Total nonsense!
Whilst we're talking about objectives, the missions now state that they're deployed before you determine the deployment map in Crusade, Scouring and Big Guns. That's going to be annoying at times. Mysterious objectives are still there but now sabotaged is 3" range and causes D6 S4 hits (p.135), no more staying just outside the blast marker then!
Also in this section, first turn is now a choice after you've already deployed first. In practice I can't see many people opting to go second when they've deployed first but there may be situations where it's beneficial.
Finally, Night Fighting has been greatly simplified. Players only roll for it if one player wants it to be in effect (which is what happened a lot anyway as people often forgot). If it does occur it only does so on Turn 1 (no more forgetting to roll on T5 onward) and all units get Stealth. No more messing about measuring ranges to determine cover saves.
That'll do for this post then, I'm trying to keep them to a reasonable length! I have to say this post has worried me more than last night's as there's a few bits of ambiguity and nonsense I've found tonight whereas most of the stuff in yesterday's post was pretty clear and sensible.
There's some interesting changes here though. Scoring will be vastly different in 7th edition but it remains to be seen if this is for the best. Troops are still worth having but are far from essential now and I can see a lot of armies sticking to the bare minimum. Characters are a little weaker and frankly I don't see why they didn't just to away with Challenges since they've made them fairly pointless. The terrain rules, as ever, will be cause for debate amongst players. They've made an attempt to clarify things but in doing so have opened up more avenues of confusion.
Still, I'm generally a fan of 7th edition at the moment. My opinion might change when I get onto Daemonology but you'll have to wait for that. I'll be writing posts of psychic powers, warlord traits, special rules, etc. so keep an eye on the blog for those.
Regarding the detachments, the way I read it is that you can have as many detachments (either CA or Allied) as you like in your army. Plus they can all be from any faction, it's just that Allied detachments have to be from different factions to your Primary detachment. The kicker is this: other Combined Arms detachments don't have to be the same faction as your Primary, nor is there anything stopping you getting detachments from (in theory) every faction in the game in one army.
ReplyDeleteSo even if you aren't playing Unbound, you could still have 1 HQ + 2 TR or 1 HQ + 1 TR from several different Factions in your army. The only problem would be deploying so many different groups 12" apart and/or keeping units a safe distance from each other.
A perfectly legal army at 1,000 points could be:
Coteaz + 2 x 3 Acolytes [124]
Herald of Tzeentch + 10 Horrors [135]
Tyranid Prime + 10 Gants [165]
SM Captain + 5 Scouts [140]
CSM Sorcerers + 10 Cultists [110]
Necron Overlord + 5 Warriors [155]
Farseer on Jetbike + 3 Jetbikes [166]
Total = 995 Points
Terrible army, but perfectly legal by the book, and just so goddamn silly.
Let's face it. Any TO with any sense is going to put rules in place to prevent this kind of nonsense. GW have done so at their WHW events for now at least. We're headed to the doubles in July so we'll get to see how it all works out.
DeleteOh yeah, I was never suggesting that tournaments are likely to allow this kind of thing, nor should they. I would assume most TOs will stick to similar guidelines regarding detachments as they have at WHW. I just found it quite amusing.
DeleteOn the more casual side of things it just means you can use a full FOC for your 'allies', for example, which is nice.
And on the subject of challenges (and the point thereof)… I feel like now they'll actually be used the way GW wanted them to be used: epic duels between badass characters that rage on while their respective squads tear into each other, or two sergeants squaring off while, again, their respective squads tear into each other.
ReplyDeleteIt stops people (myself included, I'll admit) gaming them for tactical benefit.
Can't self ally, look in the ally detachment bit, says they must be a different faction to the main detachment.... This has been FAQed for marines, but no other army can self ally atm. It looks like GW want you to take supremental codecies units in your main army as they are all classified as the same faction.
ReplyDeleteYou don't need to self ally. Can take whatever you like without allies provided you meet the HQ and 2 troops required for each detachment.
DeleteYou said above tyranids can self ally mate, I was correcting you! Plus tournies sound like it's gonna be restricting to one primary, one ally or formation and that's it.
Deleteis the self allying on the allies chart for the purpose of supplements? but then they're same faction anyway. I'm confused, someone help me out.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure it's just so you know what relationship different Combined Arms detachments from the same faction have. So the units in your primary detachment of Tyranids would treat the units from your second combined arms detachment of Tyranids as Battle Brothers, for example.