Just a quick post tonight to say that Blog Wars 7 has officially sold out! Assuming everyone turns up this will be the biggest attendance at a Blog War ever! I've also opened up three spots for reserves. If you'd like to be added to the list then simply email me with the Contact Me link on the right. It'd be great if I could get some local guys to jump in to the reserve slots as then I'd be able to cope with one or two drop outs on the day. There's usually at least one drop out in the last few weeks before the event so it's worth getting your name on the reserve list. I've toyed with the idea of opening up some more places but I think 40 is a decent amount. Too few people and it's hard to avoid duplicate matchups but too many and the close-knit atmosphere is lost. Perhaps I'll look at it again for BW8 if it proves as popular.
There's a huge chunk of people coming from a nearby gaming club but still, I'm pleased to see that despite the issues of Blog Wars 6, there are still folks who want to come along! It's also interesting to see that people don't seem too put off by me not permitting Escalation, Forge World or Imperial Knights. There's a great mix of people this time around. There's plenty of veterans including Matt, Graham and Chris who'll have been to all 7! There are also about 15 new guys who've heard about the event through friends. It promises to be a great atmosphere and with large numbers I'm pretty happy with my decision not to play this time. It should allow me to focus on the organisation and make it run smoothly. Well, pretty happy, I'm still a little sad that I don't get to throw some dice with people who are becoming friends rather than just entrants in my tournament.

I'll be getting in touch with everyone on the list in the next week or so. I'll remind you all about the list deadline and send out a PDF of the rules pack too. Please take time to read everything. I know there'll still be some who don't so I'll explain everything as clearly as I can on the day but it's easier to answer queries in advance than trying to sort them last minute. Likewise for any general rules queries (remember BW7 will use 6th edition regardless of what gets released in a couple of weeks).
There'll be the usual build up posts including the ever-popular pie charts giving a break down of the armies (once I've had the lists) and of course, the prizes! Remember the top raffle prize this time around is an Imperial Knight which, all being well, will be allowed in BW8. That should give the winner enough time to get it painted!
Good going Alex. Blog Wars is one of the best tournies I've attended. Although I missed out on this one, I'm looking forward to Blog Wars 8.