Friday, November 04, 2011

Blog Wars 2 - Still on Course!

Having had a little whinge the other day saying Blog Wars 2 might not happen I've had a great response from people and hopefully the numbers will improve over the next couple of days. I've decided that what ever the ticket sales the show must go on! Matt and I played in the End Times tournament at WHW recently and thanks to ETC on the same weekend there were only 12 of us. You know what, it was still an excellent little tournament and good times were had by all!

The prizes will still be broken down in roughly the same ratios but I'll tweak it based on the number of tickets I sell. If I get the full 20 then we'll be playing for the prizes as they are but without any spot/raffle prizes. Anything less than 20 and I'll have to recalculate. I've changed the BW2 page to just show 20 spots (makes it look a little less embarassing) and I've added a few more people on who've bought tickets today.

What to do if you've already bought a ticket
Firstly, thanks for doing so, I'm glad you can make it. Other than that there are a few things you can do to get ready for the tournament. Obviously you should be painting away so that your army looks it's best and most importantly is the required three colours and based. The other thing to do is finalise your list. I'll be expecting the lists to be submitted to me by email a week before so I've got chance to check them out and clarify anything I'm unsure about. Finally and perhaps most importantly, let me know if you've got any special dietary requirements. I'm not 100% sure what the food will be on the day (details to follow hopefully) but suffice to say if you're allergic to something or you don't eat something for whatever other reason then let me know.

I'll email out event packs in the next week or so. Hopefully you've read over the scenarios by now but any questions that come up let me know. Likewise have a read of the tournament details and let me know if anything isn't clear.

What to do if you've NOT got a ticket yet
Take a long hard look in the mirror and think about what you've (not) done..... Really though I'd love it if more people could make it. No matter what number we get it's going to be great but the more people the better. Try and get your mates to come too. Don't worry too much about the blogging thing, it's just a gimmick really!! The main thing is that it's a fun tournament with (as far as I know) a unique requirement to field a Special Character. It's gonna be good and I'd hate for someone to regret not spending £15 for a great day's gaming!

To those of you that've specified an interest but haven't bought a ticket yet. Please do so as soon as you can because I'll need to give the venue numbers for food a couple of weeks beforehand. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you all there.

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping to go but I might have another commitment that weekend which is due to my job and getting ready to go to afgahn.

    It might be a last minute thing for me being able to attened. Would you be happy for me to show up on the day and pay my £15. I can bring two copy's of my army, and don't worry about the food.

    If you want to discuss further then drop me a line at my e-mail address which is


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